Jim Bell - Professor, Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration https://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/ en About https://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/about <span property="schema:name">About</span> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/2020-05/Jim%20Bell_0367_sm.jpg?itok=oDLU7ZLU" width="200" height="243" alt="Jim Bell" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <span rel="schema:author"><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">cdreier@gmail.com</span></span> <span property="schema:dateCreated" content="2011-08-05T04:27:04+00:00">Thu, 2011-08-04 22:27</span> <p><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_F._Bell,_III">Dr. Jim Bell</a> is a Professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Astronomy at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. He received his B.S. in Planetary Science and Aeronautics from Caltech, his M.S. and Ph.D. in Geology &amp; Geophysics from the University of Hawaii, and served as a National Research Council postdoctoral research fellow at NASA's Ames Research Center. <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/research-group">Jim's research group</a> primarily focuses on the geology, geochemistry, and mineralogy of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets using data obtained from telescopes and spacecraft missions.</p> <p>Jim is an active planetary scientist and has been heavily involved in many NASA robotic space exploration missions, including the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR), Mars Pathfinder, Comet Nucleus Tour, Mars Rovers <em>Spirit</em>, <em>Opportunity</em>, <em>Curiosity</em>, and <em>Perseverance</em>, Mars Odyssey Orbiter, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Jim was the lead scientist in charge of the <a href="http://pancam.sese.asu.edu">Panoramic camera (Pancam)</a> color, stereoscopic imaging system on the <em>Spirit</em> and <em>Opportunity</em> rovers, is the Deputy Principal Investigator of the Mastcam camera system on the <em>Curiosity</em> rover, and is the Principal Investigator for the Mastcam-Z cameras on NASA's <em>Mars-2020</em> rover. As a professional scientist, Jim has published 40 first-authored and more than 215 co-authored research papers in peer reviewed scientific journals, has authored or co-authored nearly 800 short abstracts and scientific conference presentations, and has co-edited or edited three scientific books for Cambridge University Press (one on the NEAR mission: "<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Asteroid-Rendezvous-NEAR-Shoemakers-Adventures/dp/0521813603/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_4">Asteroid Rendezvous</a>"; the other two on Mars: "<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Martian-Surface-Composition-Mineralogy-Properties/dp/0521866987/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_5">The Martian Surface: Composition, Mineralogy, and Physical Properties</a>" and "Remote Compositional Analysis: Techniques for Understanding Spectroscopy, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of Planetary Surfaces"). He has been an active user of the Hubble Space Telescope, and of a number of ground based telescopes, including several at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii.</p> <p>Jim is also an extremely active and prolific public communicator of science and space exploration, and was past President (2008-2020) of <a href="http://www.planetary.org/">The Planetary Society</a>, the world's largest public space education and advocacy organization. He is a frequent contributor to popular astronomy and science magazines like Sky &amp; Telescope, Astronomy, and Scientific American, and to radio shows and internet blogs about astronomy and space. He has appeared on television on the NBC "Today" show, on CNN's "This American Morning," on the PBS "Newshour," and on the Discovery, National Geographic, Wall St. Journal, and History Channels. He has also written many photography-oriented books that showcase some of the most spectacular images acquired during the space program: <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&amp;location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2Ftg%2Fdetail%2F-%2F0525949852&amp;tag=jibesmypa-20&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325">Postcards from Mars</a> (Dutton/Penguin, 2006), <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/books/mars-3d">Mars 3-D</a> (Sterling, 2008), <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/books/moon-3d">Moon 3-D</a> (Sterling, 2009), <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/books/the-space-book-250-milestones-in-the-history-of-space-astronomy">The Space Book</a> (Sterling, 2013), and  <a href="http://www.amazon.com/The-Interstellar-Age-Forty-Year-Voyager/dp/0525954325">The Interstellar Age: Inside the 40 Year <em>Voyager</em> Mission</a> (Dutton, 2015), <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/node/122">The Earth Book</a> (Sterling, 2019), and <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/node/123">Hubble Legacy: 30 Years of Images and Discoveries</a> (Sterling, 2020), <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/node/125">Discovering Mars</a> (Co-authored with historian William Sheehan; Univ. Arizona, 2021), and <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/node/126">The Art of the Cosmos</a> (Union Square, 2022). Jim has a main belt asteroid named after him (<a href="http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=8146;orb=1;cov=0#orb">8146 Jimbell</a>). He and teammates have received 18 NASA Group Achievement Awards for work on space missions, and he was the recipient of the <a href="http://dps.aas.org/prizes/sagan">2011 Carl Sagan Medal from the American Astronomical Society</a>, for excellence in public communication in planetary sciences.</p> <p>To arrange a <a href="http://www.prhspeakers.com/speaker/jim-bell/">speaking engagement with Jim Bell,</a> please contact the Penguin Speakers Bureau at <a href="mailto:speakersbureau@us.penguingroup.com">speakersbureau@us.penguingroup.com</a>.  To see some examples of Jim's past public speaking and media appearances, check out the list <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/appearances">here</a>, and <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/marsroxjim">Jim Bell's YouTube channel.</a></p> <p>Click on these links for copies of Jim's latest <a href="http://molokai.sese.asu.edu/~jimbo/Bell_CV.pdf">Curriculum Vita,</a>   and <a href="http://molokai.sese.asu.edu/~jimbo/Bell_Pubs.pdf">Publications List,</a>   and <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KR2ejsUAAAAJ&amp;hl=en"> Google Scholar page.</a></p> <div class="related-content"> <div>Related Content</div> <div> <div><a href="/photos-of-jim">Photos of Jim</a></div> <div><a href="/research-group">Research Group</a></div> </div> </div> Fri, 05 Aug 2011 04:27:04 +0000 cdreier@gmail.com 1 at https://jimbell.sese.asu.edu Jim on C-SPAN BookTV https://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/jim-on-c-span-booktv <span property="schema:name">Jim on C-SPAN BookTV</span> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/2016-04/cspan2-booktv_061211.jpg?itok=f9aTOf4d" width="200" height="136" alt="Jim on C-SPAN BookTV Image" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <span rel="schema:author"><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">cdreier@gmail.com</span></span> <span property="schema:dateCreated" content="2011-08-26T21:46:25+00:00">Fri, 2011-08-26 15:46</span> <p>Jim is an active public speaker for both public and academic audiences, and as a member of the <a href="http://www.penguinspeakersbureau.com/speakers/page/jim_bell">Penguin author's speaker's bureau</a>, his talks cover a wide variety of space-related topics, with book talks on topics ranging from Exploring Mars with Rovers (<a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/books/postcards-from-mars">Postcards from Mars</a>), Viewing the Solar System in 3-D (<a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/books/mars-3d">Mars 3-D</a>, <a href="http://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/books/moon-3d">Moon 3-D</a>), and The Future of Space Exploration (<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Space-Book-Beginning-Milestones-Astronomy/dp/1402780710">The Space Book</a>, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/The-Interstellar-Age-Forty-Year-Voyager/dp/0525954325">The Interstellar Age</a>), and other public-audience talks related to topics such as The Search for Life in the Universe, The Role of Science and Exploration in Society, and Building Bridges Between Engineers and Scientists. Jim would be delighted to consider sharing his passion for space exploration with your group. Please contact Jamie Knapp (<a href="mailto:jknapp@penguinrandomhouse.com">jknapp@penguinrandomhouse.com</a>) to arrange for an interview or speaking appearance.</p> Fri, 26 Aug 2011 21:46:25 +0000 cdreier@gmail.com 21 at https://jimbell.sese.asu.edu Research Group https://jimbell.sese.asu.edu/research-group <span property="schema:name">Research Group</span> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/2019-09/Jim_A577_09a_Group2019b.jpg?itok=nrTio3x5" width="200" height="71" alt="Jim&#039;s Class Field Trip and Research Group" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <span rel="schema:author"><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">cdreier@gmail.com</span></span> <span property="schema:dateCreated" content="2011-08-17T07:15:20+00:00">Wed, 2011-08-17 01:15</span> <h3 style="clear:both;"> Active Research Areas:</h3> <ul><li> Surface Mineralogy and Weathering History of Mars</li> <li> Surface Composition and Mineralogy of the Moon</li> <li> Geologic Processes on the Surfaces of Terrestrial Planets, Icy Moons, and Asteroids</li> <li> Laboratory Spectroscopic and Compositional Studies of Rocks and Minerals</li> <li> Spacecraft Instrument Development, Calibration, and Image/Data Processing</li> </ul><h3 style="clear:both;"> <a href="https://lona.sese.asu.edu/wiki/Group_Publications">Click Here for Recent Bell Group Publications</a></h3> <h3>  </h3> <h3> Students, Postdocs, and Research Staff Members:</h3> <div> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <strong>Doctoral or Master's Students</strong></td> <td> <strong>Year</strong></td> <td> <strong>Thesis Topic/Research Area</strong></td> <td> <strong>Current Affiliation</strong></td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://sese.asu.edu/people/sese-grad-students">Benjamin Douglass</a></td> <td> 2027*</td> <td> Planetary Science</td> <td> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://sese.asu.edu/people/sese-grad-students">Allyson Trussell</a></td> <td> 2027*</td> <td> Planetary Science</td> <td> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://sese.asu.edu/people/sese-grad-students">Mohini Jodhpurkar</a></td> <td> 2025*</td> <td> Planetary Science</td> <td> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://sese.asu.edu/people/sese-grad-students">Paul Horton</a></td> <td> 2024*</td> <td> Exploration Systems Design</td> <td> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://sese.asu.edu/people/sese-grad-students">Samantha Jacob</a></td> <td> 2022</td> <td> Mars Surface Mineralogy and Geology</td> <td> NASA/JSC</td> </tr><tr></tr><tr><td> <a href="https://sese.asu.edu/people/sese-grad-students">Steven Dibb</a></td> <td> 2021</td> <td> Exploration Systems Design</td> <td> NASA/Ames</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://sese.asu.edu/node/1635">Hannah Kerner</a></td> <td> 2020</td> <td> Exploration Systems Design</td> <td> Univ. of Maryland</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://www.public.asu.edu/~jbadler2/">Jacob Adler</a></td> <td> 2019</td> <td> Lunar and Martian surface geologic processes</td> <td> JHU/APL</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/ltognetti">Laurence Tognetti</a></td> <td> 2019</td> <td> Geomorphology and mapping of scalloped depressions on Mars</td> <td> </td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://sese.asu.edu/people/danike-wellington">Danika Wellington</a></td> <td> 2018</td> <td> Mars surface albedo changes; MSL/Mastcam multispectral imaging studies</td> <td> USGS EROS Data Center</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://sese.asu.edu/people/nathan-williams">Nathan Williams</a></td> <td> 2016</td> <td> Lunar surface tectonics and Mars surface composition/mineralogy</td> <td> JPL/Caltech</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://sese.asu.edu/people/kristen-bennett">Kristen Bennett</a></td> <td> 2016</td> <td> Mars surface mineralogy and lunar pyroclastic deposits</td> <td> USGS/Flagstaff</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://sese.asu.edu/people/jason-lai">Jason Lai</a></td> <td> 2014</td> <td> Mineralogical Assessment of Volcanic Edifices on Mars Using Near- and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing</td> <td> Department of Defense, Washington DC</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://contacts.mesacc.edu/melissa.bunte">Melissa Bunte</a></td> <td> 2013</td> <td> Investigating geologic processes on icy satellites and small bodies and developing algorithms for automated science analysis onboard spacecraft</td> <td> Mesa Comm. College</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://rbanderson.wordpress.com/">Ryan Anderson</a></td> <td> 2011</td> <td> Thesis: "Lasers and Landing Sites: The Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, and Composition of Mars." Research on MSL Landing site assessment and laboratory calibration of LIBS spectra.  Flight operations work as a MER Pancam Payload Downlink Lead.</td> <td> USGS/Flagstaff</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://www.gps.caltech.edu/people/mrice/profile">Melissa Rice</a></td> <td> 2011</td> <td> Thesis: "Annals of a Former World: The Remnants of Water at Gusev Crater and Eberswalde Crater, Mars."  Research on Silica- and Sulfur-rich soils and alteration at the Spirit rover landing site and the Geology of Eberswalde crater. Flight operations work as a MER Pancam Payload Downlink Lead.</td> <td> Faculty, Western Washington Univ.</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://www.astro.cornell.edu/~briony/">Briony Horgan</a></td> <td> 2010</td> <td> Thesis: "Wind, Water, and the Sands of Mars."  Researched the mineralogy, morphology, and weathering of Martian N. polar terrains.</td> <td> Faculty, Purdue University</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://www.jason.soderblom.net/">Jason Soderblom</a></td> <td> 2007</td> <td> Thesis: "Properties of Martian Soils, Rocks, and Atmospheric Dust Derived from Analysis of Hubble Space Telescope and Mars Exploration Rover Data."  Flight operations work as a MER Pancam Payload Downlink Lead.</td> <td> MIT</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/index.cfm?fuseAction=people.jumpBio&amp;&amp;iPhonebookId=15874">Tim McConnochie</a></td> <td> 2007</td> <td> Thesis: "Observations of the Martian Atmosphere: THEMIS-VIS Calibration, Mesopheric Clouds, and the Polar Vortex." Flight operations work on calibration of Mars Odyssey THEMIS instrument.</td> <td> NASA/GSFC</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://www.psi.edu/staff/eldar.html">Eldar Noe Dobrea</a></td> <td> 2004</td> <td> Thesis: "Spectroscopic Searches for Water-Alteration Products on Mars."  Research on the spectroscopy, mineralogy, and geology of Mars using HST and Mars orbital data sets.  Flight operations work as a MER Pancam Payload Downlink Lead.</td> <td> PSI</td> </tr></tbody></table><p> *Expected Date of Graduation (approximate) <br />  </p> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <strong>Postdocs and Academic Professionals</strong></td> <td> <strong>Year*</strong></td> <td> <strong>Research Area</strong></td> <td> <strong>Current Affiliation</strong></td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://isearch.asu.edu/profile/49498">Jim Rice</a></td> <td> 2020</td> <td> Mars surface geology; ASU NewSpace Initiative</td> <td> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/travis-sj-gabriel?qt-staff_profile_science_products=3#qt-staff_profile_science_products">Travis Gabriel</a></td> <td> 2018</td> <td> Planetary surface and interior composition; ASU NewSpace Initiative</td> <td> USGS/Flagstaff</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://tanyaofmars.com/">Tanya Harrison</a></td> <td> 2017</td> <td> Mars surface geology; ASU NewSpace Initiative</td> <td> Planet, Inc.</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://sese.asu.edu/node/1205">Craig Hardgrove</a></td> <td> 2015</td> <td> Mars surface composition; ASU NewSpace Initiative</td> <td> ASU/SESE Assistant Professor</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="https://astrogeology.usgs.gov/people/lauren-edgar">Lauren Edgar</a></td> <td> 2014</td> <td> Analysis of Martian Geomorphology and Stratigraphy</td> <td> Research Geologist, USGS Flagstaff Astrogeology Center</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://www.nbi.ku.dk/english/staff/beskrivelse/?id=200186&amp;f=2">Kjartan Kinch</a></td> <td> 2006</td> <td> Analysis of Martian dust optical and radiative properties</td> <td> Copenhagen University</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://physics.ucf.edu/profile.php?query=harrington">Joe Harrington</a></td> <td> 2003</td> <td> Development of CONTOUR spectrometer calibration and analyis routines</td> <td> University of Central Florida</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://www.sciops.esa.int/index.php?project=ESACFACULTY&amp;page=research_fellow_mentors">Patrick Martin</a></td> <td> 1998</td> <td> Analysis of NEAR/NIS infrared spectra of Eros, and VIS-NIR spectra of Mars</td> <td> European Space Astronomy Centre</td> </tr><tr><td> <a href="http://elvis.rowan.edu/~klassen/">David Klassen</a></td> <td> 1997</td> <td> Acquisition and analysis of IRTF near-IR spectral data of Mars</td> <td> Professor, Rowan University</td> </tr></tbody></table><p> *Last year in group, if multiple years <br />   <br />  </p> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <strong>Research Staff</strong></td> <td> <strong>Year*</strong></td> <td> <strong>Research Area</strong></td> <td> <strong>Current Affiliation</strong></td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Ernest Cisneros</td> <td> <br /> 2015 -</td> <td> <br /> Mission Operations and Science Data Center Lead</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Nathan Cluff</td> <td> <br /> 2015 -</td> <td> <br /> Lead IT/Systems Support</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Kristen Paris</td> <td> <br /> 2015 -</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam, MSL/Mastcam, and Mars-2020/Mastcam-Z downlink processing</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Austin Godber</td> <td> <br /> 2016</td> <td> <br /> Systems Administrator and MSL/Mastcam data reduction, calibration, and mosaicking</td> <td> <br /> Private Industry</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Jonathan Joseph</td> <td> <br /> 2012 -</td> <td> <br /> Lead Programmer for MER/Pancam data reduction, calibration, and mosaicking</td> <td> <br /> Cornell</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Jon Proton</td> <td> <br /> 2012 -</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam Payload Uplink Lead</td> <td> <br /> Cornell</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Emily Dean</td> <td> <br /> 2012 -</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam Payload Uplink Lead</td> <td> <br /> Cornell</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Elaina McCartney</td> <td> <br /> 2011</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam Payload Uplink Lead</td> <td> <br /> MSSS</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Dale Theiling</td> <td> <br /> 2010</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam Payload Uplink Lead</td> <td> <br /> CU/LASP</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Chase Million</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Analysis of Mars Odyssey/THEMIS and MRO/CTX and MARCI data sets</td> <td> <br /> GALEX Science Center/Caltech</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Dmitry Savransky</td> <td> <br /> 2006</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam Payload Uplink Lead, Payload Downlink Lead, database dev.</td> <td> <br /> U.C./Berkeley</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Heather Arneson</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam Payload Uplink Lead, Payload Downlink Lead, downlink proc.</td> <td> <br /> NASA/Ames</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Miles Johnson</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam Payload Uplink Lead, Payload Downlink Lead, database dev.</td> <td> <br /> Graduate Student, U. Illinois</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Min Hubbard</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Analysis of HST and ISO data; downlink processing of MER/Pancam images</td> <td> <br /> GALEX Science Center/Caltech</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Jascha Sohl-Dickstein</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> MER/Pancam Payload Uplink Lead, Payload Downlink Lead, database dev.</td> <td> <br /> Stanford</td> </tr></tbody></table><p> *Last year in group, if multiple years <br />  </p> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <strong>Undergrads</strong></td> <td> <strong>Year*</strong></td> <td> <strong>Research Topic</strong></td> <td> <strong>Last Known Affiliation</strong></td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Kyle Rogers</td> <td> <br /> 2015</td> <td> <br /> Office, research aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Stephanie Dimpfel</td> <td> <br /> 2015</td> <td> <br /> Camera system engineering aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Zach Burnham</td> <td> <br /> 2015</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Perry Vargas</td> <td> <br /> 2015</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Alain Holaday</td> <td> <br /> 2015</td> <td> <br /> Office, research aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Kelsie Crawford</td> <td> <br /> 2015</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Sarah Brooks</td> <td> <br /> 2015</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Andrew Winhold</td> <td> <br /> 2015</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> T.J. Slezak</td> <td> <br /> 2014</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Liz Dyer</td> <td> <br /> 2014</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Jack Lightholder</td> <td> <br /> 2014</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Todd Gilbert</td> <td> <br /> 2013</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Bhavin Nayak</td> <td> <br /> 2014</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Nikhil Kalige</td> <td> <br /> 2013</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Anil Kuncham</td> <td> <br /> 2013</td> <td> <br /> Student IT, programming, and/or camera calibration aid</td> <td> <br /> ASU/SESE</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Nathan Williams</td> <td> <br /> 2009</td> <td> <br /> Worked on LRO tectonics targeting and Apollo Pan/Metric image analysis</td> <td> <br /> ASU Graduate Student</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Shianne Beer ('08)</td> <td> <br /> 2008</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Sarah Morrison ('10)</td> <td> <br /> 2008</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br /> Cornell</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Lucy Ooi ('09)</td> <td> <br /> 2008</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> James Teague ('09)</td> <td> <br /> 2008</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Ashlee Wilkins ('10)</td> <td> <br /> 2009</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br /> Cornell</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Nicholas Wirth ('10)</td> <td> <br /> 2008</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Aaron Rubin ('08)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Janet Vertesi (Ph.D., '08)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br /> Postdoc, UC Irvine</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Graham Anderson ('07)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Lisa Grossman ('08)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br /> Science Journalist, <em>New Scientist</em></td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Diego Saenz ('08)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Derek Schaeffer ('07)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Helped to develop data reduction and processing pipelines for the MRO/MARCI and MRO/CTX instruments; Winner of the Shelley Prize for outstanding undergraduate research in Astronomy in 2007</td> <td> <br /> Graduate Student, UCLA</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Alex Shapero ('06)</td> <td> <br /> 2006</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> J.R. Skok ('07)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br /> Graduate Student, Brown</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Tom Ternquist ('08)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> William Versfelt ('07)</td> <td> <br /> 2007</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Ben Holmes ('06)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Chase Million ('06)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br /> GALEX Science Center/Caltech</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Adam Fischman ('06)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Alissa Friedman ('05)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Alex Hayes ('03)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked on MER/Pancam and Mini-TES stereo processing pipeline</td> <td> <br /> Graduate Student, Caltech</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Ben Herbert ('05)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Kelley Hess ('05)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br /> Graduate Student, U. Wisconsin</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Kristen Frazier ('07)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Peter Meakin ('07)</td> <td> <br /> 2005</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Dmitry Savransky ('04)</td> <td> <br /> 2004</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Alex Shih ('05)</td> <td> <br /> 2004</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Stephanie Gil ('06)</td> <td> <br /> 2004</td> <td> <br /> Worked as a member of the student MER/Pancam Calibration staff</td> <td> <br /> Faculty, Arizona State Univ.</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Mike Shafer ('04)</td> <td> <br /> 2003</td> <td> <br /> Worked on Mars Odyssey/THEMIS computer system and database</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Ben Stiglitz ('06)</td> <td> <br /> 2003</td> <td> <br /> Worked on data processing software for Mars Odyssey/THEMIS-VIS analysis</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Salman Arif ('04)</td> <td> <br /> 2003</td> <td> <br /> Worked on testing of MER/Pancam data compression software</td> <td> <br />  Faculty, Univ. of Pennsylvania</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Julia Sohnen ('04)</td> <td> <br /> 2003</td> <td> <br /> Worked on MER operations planning</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Yong Shin ('04)</td> <td> <br /> 2003</td> <td> <br /> Analyzed Pancam multispectral filter calibration measurements</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Matt Siegler ('03)</td> <td> <br /> 2003</td> <td> <br /> Analyzed MER/Pancam compression algorithms and performance</td> <td> <br /> Graduate Student, UCLA</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Joshua Neubert ('03)</td> <td> <br /> 2003</td> <td> <br /> Analyzed HST multispectral images of Mars</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Christopher Dodd ('01)</td> <td> <br /> 2002</td> <td> <br /> Worked on the analysis of NEAR/NIS imaging spectroscopy data</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Jason Neuswanger ('02)</td> <td> <br /> 2001</td> <td> <br /> Worked on the development of a new Department of Astronomy web site</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Rick Clinite ('03)</td> <td> <br /> 2001</td> <td> <br /> Worked on the calibration and analysis of NEAR/NIS data</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> David Dror ('02)</td> <td> <br /> 2001</td> <td> <br /> Worked on calibration and analysis of ISO/SWS Mars and Deimos data</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Andrew Cunningham</td> <td> <br /> 2000</td> <td> <br /> REU, SUNY/Geneseo: Worked on Pancam mosaic software</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Taqui Raza</td> <td> <br /> 2000</td> <td> <br /> Univ. Buffalo summer intern: Worked on HST and IRTF data organization</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Scott Southard ('99)</td> <td> <br /> 2000</td> <td> <br /> Worked on HST data analysis and near-IR spectral analysis software</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Ben Cichy ('00)</td> <td> <br /> 1999</td> <td> <br /> Worked on analysis of HST imaging dataset, mapping routines</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Jascha Sohl-Dickstein ('01)</td> <td> <br /> 1999</td> <td> <br /> Worked on development of Astro 101/102 lab web pages and HST mapping</td> <td> <br /> Graduate Student, UC Berkeley</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Tim Glotch</td> <td> <br /> 2000</td> <td> <br /> SpaceGrant intern, Colgate U.: Worked on analysis of HST spectroscopic data</td> <td> <br /> Professor, SUNY/Stony Brook</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Patrick Spann ('02)</td> <td> <br /> 1999</td> <td> <br /> Worked on design and calibration of 2001 APEX/Pancam instrument</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Jennifer Ward</td> <td> <br /> 1999</td> <td> <br /> SpaceGrant intern, Colgate U.:  Worked on Analysis of Palomar asteroid data</td> <td> <br /> NASA/Ames Research Center</td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Elizabeth Hays ('99)</td> <td> <br /> 1999</td> <td> <br /> Worked on archiving and organization of NEAR preflight calibration data</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Richard Zentko ('99)</td> <td> <br /> 1998</td> <td> <br /> Worked on image processing tools for IRTF Mars telescopic data</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr><tr><td> <br /> Robert Comstock</td> <td> <br /> 1998</td> <td> <br /> REU, Central Washington U.: Worked on Analysis of HST near-IR data</td> <td> <br />  </td> </tr></tbody></table><p> *Last year in group, if multiple years </p></div> <p> </p> Wed, 17 Aug 2011 07:15:20 +0000 cdreier@gmail.com 10 at https://jimbell.sese.asu.edu